The Kindergarten program at JIS is a one-of-a-kind, superior program. During their kindergarten years, children are at the Pre-logical Thinking Stage of their development and we aim to help them fully develop four important abilities: Observation, Assumption, Logical Thinking and their English. Here at JIS we consider kindergarten to be a place where children are preparing for International Elementary School and as such we place a lot of emphasis on helping our Kindergarteners to acquire the necessary skills to enter this next stage of their educational career. We teach our Kindergarteners to recognize basic sight words and help them to read simple books. We encourage the development of their oral language and fluency through Storytelling and reading. Our mathematics program is an exciting world of addition, subtraction, geometry, understanding the value of money, telling time, and measurement. When children graduate from our Kindergarten class, we hope they leave feeling confident, intellectually curious, physically fit and aware of how they affect the people and the environment that they inhabit.